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"Doing life together" is the single best way we can grow closer

with other believers and strengthen our faith life. 

Faith Christian Church offers many opportunities for different age groups

to grow closer together in Christ.

Small Groups

We work to create environments and opportunities for kids to hear and share the Gospel message. We aim to have every baby, toddler, preschooler and elementary age student develop and live in a relationship with Jesus Christ. We provide safe, fun, exciting, and age specific groups during both of our services. 

For more information, click here.

Students are encouraged and given opportunities to connect with other students and trusted adults, through life groups and community. Students have the chance to find and follow Jesus.

For more information, click here.

There are several service and discipleship opportunities for adults and members of our community. These range from Sunday school to serving people at the local homeless shelter.

For more information click here.

A group of people getting together to help each other figure out what this Find and Follow Jesus thing really looks like; out in the real world, in everyday life. We strive to just live life together, and dig deeper into the weekly sermons for application, and accountability.

For more information click here.

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